ComboAddress objects

IP addresses are moved around in a native format, called a ComboAddress. ComboAddresses can be IPv4 or IPv6, and unless you want to know, you don’t need to.

Functions and methods of a ComboAddress

newCA(address) → ComboAddress

Returns a new ComboAddress object based on address

Parameters:address (string) – The IP address, with optional port, to represent
addr = newCA("")
newCAFromRaw(rawaddress[, port]) → ComboAddress

Returns a new ComboAddress object based on the 4- or 16-octet string. For example, newCAFromRaw('ABCD') makes a ComboAddress object holding the IP, because those are the ASCII values for those four letters.

  • rawaddress (string) – The IPv4 of IPv6 address as a 4/16 octet string
  • port (int) – The optional port number
class ComboAddress

A ComboAddress represents an IP address with possibly a port number. The object can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. It has these methods:

ComboAddress:getPort() -> int

Returns the port number.

ComboAddress:isIPv4() -> bool

Returns true if the address is an IPv4, false otherwise

ComboAddress:isIPv6() -> bool

Returns true if the address is an IPv6, false otherwise

ComboAddress:isMappedIPv4() -> bool

Returns true if the address is an IPv4 mapped into an IPv6, false otherwise

ComboAddress:mapToIPv4() -> ComboAddress

Convert an IPv4 address mapped in a v6 one into an IPv4. Returns a new ComboAddress

ComboAddress:toString() -> string

Returns in human-friendly format

ComboAddress:getRaw() -> string

Returns in raw bytes format

ComboAddress:toStringWithPort() -> string

Returns in human-friendly format, with port number


Truncate the ComboAddress to the specified number of bits. This essentially zeroes all bits after bits.

Parameters:bits (int) – Amount of bits to truncate to

ComboAddressSet objects

We provide a convenient object class that can store unique ComboAddresses in no particular order and allows fast retrieval of individual elements based on their values

addr = newCA("")
myset = newCAS()
if myset:check(addr) then -- prints "found!"

Functions and methods of a ComboAddressSet

newCAS() → ComboAddressSet

Returns an empty ComboAddressSet object

class ComboAddressSet

A ComboAddressSet can store multiple ComboAddress

It has these methods:


Add the given addresses to set. the parameter can be of the following types:

  • addr (string) – Handy way to add ComboAddress from its string representation
  • addrs ([string]) – Add the given list of addresses to the set
  • ca (ComboAddress) – The ComboAddress object to add to set
addr = newCA("")
myset = newCAS()
myset:add({"::1/128", ""})