Performance Guide

To get the best out of the PowerDNS recursor, which is important if you are doing thousands of queries per second, please consider the following.

A busy server may need hundreds of file descriptors on startup, and deals with spikes better if it has that many available later on. Linux by default restricts processes to 1024 file descriptors, which should suffice most of the time, but Solaris has a default limit of 256. This can be raised using the ulimit command or via the LimitNOFILE unit directive when systemd is used. FreeBSD has a default limit that is high enough for even very heavy duty use.

Limit the size of the caches to a sensible value. Cache hit rate does not improve meaningfully beyond a few million max-cache-entries, reducing the memory footprint reduces CPU cache misses. See below for more information about the various caches.

When deploying (large scale) IPv6, please be aware some Linux distributions leave IPv6 routing cache tables at very small default values. Please check and if necessary raise sysctl net.ipv6.route.max_size.

Set threads to your number of CPU cores minus the number of distributor threads.

Threading and distribution of queries

When running with several threads, you can either ask PowerDNS to start one or more special threads to dispatch the incoming queries to the workers by setting pdns-distributes-queries to yes, or let the worker threads handle the incoming queries themselves. The latter is the default since version 4.9.0.

The dispatch thread enabled by pdns-distributes-queries tries to send the same queries to the same thread to maximize the cache-hit ratio. If the incoming query rate is so high that the dispatch thread becomes a bottleneck, you can increase distributor-threads to use more than one.

If pdns-distributes-queries is set to no and either SO_REUSEPORT support is not available or the reuseport directive is set to no, all worker threads share the same listening sockets.

This prevents a single thread from having to handle every incoming queries, but can lead to thundering herd issues where all threads are awoken at once when a query arrives.

If SO_REUSEPORT support is available and reuseport is set to yes, which is the default since version 4.9.0, separate listening sockets are opened for each worker thread and the query distributions is handled by the kernel, avoiding any thundering herd issue as well as preventing the distributor thread from becoming the bottleneck. The next section discusses how to determine if the mechanism is working properly.


Due to the nature of the distribution method used by the kernel imbalance with the new default settings of reuseport and pdns-distributes-queries may occur if you have very few clients. Imbalance can be observed by reading the periodic statistics reported by Recursor:

Jun 26 11:06:41 pepper pdns-recursor[10502]: msg="Queries handled by thread" subsystem="stats" level="0" prio="Info" tid="0" ts="1687770401.359" count="7" thread="0"
Jun 26 11:06:41 pepper pdns-recursor[10502]: msg="Queries handled by thread" subsystem=" stats" level="0" prio="Info" tid="0" ts="1687770401.359" count="535167" thread="1"
Jun 26 11:06:41 pepper pdns-recursor[10502]: msg="Queries handled by thread" subsystem=" stats" level="0" prio="Info" tid="0" ts="1687770401.359" count="5" thread="2"

In the above log lines we see that almost all queries are processed by thread 1. This can typically be observed when using dnsdist in front of Recursor.

When using dnsdist with a single newServer to a recursor instance in its configuration, the kernel will regard dnsdist as a single client unless you use the sockets parameter to newServer to increase the number of source ports used by dnsdist. The following guideline applies for the dnsdist case:

  • Be generous with the sockets setting of newServer. A starting points is to configure twice as many sockets as Recursor threads.
  • As long as the threads of the Recursor as not overloaded, some imbalance will not impact performance significantly.
  • If you want to reduce imbalance, increase the value of sockets even more.

Non-Linux systems

On some systems setting reuseport to yes does not have the desired effect at all. If your systems shows great imbalance in the number of queries processed per thread (as reported by the periodic statistics report), try switching reuseport to no and/or setting pdns-distributes-queries to yes.

New in version 4.1.0: The cpu-map parameter can be used to pin worker threads to specific CPUs, in order to keep caches as warm as possible and optimize memory access on NUMA systems.

New in version 4.2.0: The distributor-threads parameter can be used to run more than one distributor thread.

Changed in version 4.9.0: The reuseport parameter now defaults to yes.

Changed in version 4.9.0: The pdns-distributes-queries parameter now defaults to no.

MTasker and MThreads

PowerDNS Recursor uses a cooperative multitasking in userspace called MTasker, based either on boost::context if available, or on System V ucontexts otherwise. For maximum performance, please make sure that your system supports boost::context, as the alternative has been known to be quite slower.

The maximum number of simultaneous MTasker threads, called MThreads, can be tuned via max-mthreads, as the default value of 2048 might not be enough for large-scale installations. This setting limits the number of mthreads per physical (Posix) thread. The threads that create mthreads are the distributor and worker threads.

When a MThread is started, a new stack is dynamically allocated for it. The size of that stack can be configured via the stack-size parameter, whose default value is 200 kB which should be enough in most cases.

To reduce the cost of allocating a new stack for every query, the recursor can cache a small amount of stacks to make sure that the allocation stays cheap. This can be configured via the stack-cache-size setting. This limit is per physical (Posix) thread. The only trade-off of enabling this cache is a slightly increased memory consumption, at worst equals to the number of stacks specified by stack-cache-size multiplied by the size of one stack, itself specified via stack-size.

Linux limits the number of memory mappings a process can allocate by the vm.max_map_count kernel parameter. A single MThread stack can take up to 3 memory mappings. Starting with version 4.9, it is advised to check and if needed update the value of sysctl vm.max_map_count to make sure that the Recursor can allocate enough stacks under load; suggested value is at least 4 * (threads + 2) * max-mthreads. Some Linux distributions use a default value of about one million, which should be enough for most configurations. Other distributions default to 64k, which can be too low for large setups.

Performance tips

For best PowerDNS Recursor performance, use a recent version of your operating system, since this generally offers the best event multiplexer implementation available (kqueue, epoll, ports or /dev/poll).

On AMD/Intel hardware, wherever possible, run a 64-bit binary. This delivers a nearly twofold performance increase. On UltraSPARC, there is no need to run with 64 bits.

Consider performing a ‘profiled build’ by building with gprof support enabled, running the recursor a bit then feed that info into the next build. This is good for a 20% performance boost in some cases.

When running with >3000 queries per second, and running Linux versions prior to 2.6.17 on some motherboards, your computer may spend an inordinate amount of time working around an ACPI bug for each call to gettimeofday. This is solved by rebooting with clock=tsc or upgrading to a 2.6.17 kernel. This is relevant if dmesg shows Using pmtmr for high-res timesource.

Memory usage

Recursor keeps all the data it needs in memory. The default configuration uses a little more than 1GB when the caches are full. Depending on configuration, memory usage can amount to many gigabytes for a large installation.


Avoid swapping. The memory access patterns of Recursor are random. This means that it will cause trashing (the OS spending lots of time pulling in and writing out memory pages) if Recursor uses more physical memory than available and performance will be severely impacted.

Below the memory usage observed for a specific test case are described. Please note that depending on OS, version of system libraries, version of the Recursor, features used and usage patterns these numbers may vary. Test and observe your system to learn more about the memory requirements specific to your case.

The most important subsystems that use memory are:

  • The packet cache. The amount of memory used in a test case was about 500 bytes per entry
  • The record cache. The amount of memory used in a test case was about 850 bytes per entry
  • Authoritative zones loaded. Memory usage is dependent on the size and number loaded.
  • RPZ zones loaded. Memory usage is dependent on the size and number loaded.
  • NOD DBs. Memory usage is dependent on specific settings of this subsystem.

An estimate for the memory used by its caches for a Recursor having 2 million record cache entries and 1 million packet cache entries is 2e6 * 850 * + 1e6 * 500 = about 2GB.

Connection tracking and firewalls

A Recursor under high load puts a severe stress on any stateful (connection tracking) firewall, so much so that the firewall may fail.

Specifically, many Linux distributions run with a connection tracking firewall configured. For high load operation (thousands of queries/second), It is advised to either turn off iptables completely, or use the NOTRACK feature to make sure client DNS traffic bypasses the connection tracking.

Sample Linux command lines would be:

## IPv4
## NOTRACK rules for 53/udp, keep in mind that you also need your regular rules for 53/tcp
iptables -t raw -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j CT --notrack
iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j CT --notrack
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

## IPv6
## NOTRACK rules for 53/udp, keep in mind that you also need your regular rules for 53/tcp
ip6tables -t raw -I OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j CT --notrack
ip6tables -t raw -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j CT --notrack
ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

When using FirewallD (Centos 7+ / Red Hat 7+ / Fedora 21+), connection tracking can be disabled via direct rules. The settings can be made permanent by using the --permanent flag:

## IPv4
## NOTRACK rules for 53/udp, keep in mind that you also need your regular rules for 53/tcp
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 raw OUTPUT 0 -p udp --sport 53 -j CT --notrack
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 raw PREROUTING 0 -p udp --dport 53 -j CT --notrack
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 0 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

## IPv6
## NOTRACK rules for 53/udp, keep in mind that you also need your regular rules for 53/tcp
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv6 raw OUTPUT 0 -p udp --sport 53 -j CT --notrack
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv6 raw PREROUTING 0 -p udp --dport 53 -j CT --notrack
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv6 filter INPUT 0 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

Following the instructions above, you should be able to attain very high query rates.

Tuning Incoming TCP and Out-of-Order processing

In general TCP uses more resources than UDP, so beware! It is impossible to give hard numbers for the various parameters as each site is different. Instead we describe the mechanism and relevant metrics so you can study your setup and change the proper settings if needed.

Each incoming TCP connection uses a file descriptor in addition to the file descriptors for other purposes, like contacting authoritative servers. When the recursor starts up, it will check if enough file descriptors are available and complain if not.

When a query is received over a TCP connection, first the packet cache is consulted. If an answer is found it will be returned immediately. If no answer is found, the Recursor will process max-concurrent-requests-per-tcp-connection queries per incoming TCP connection concurrently. If more than this number of queries is pending for this TCP connection, the remaining queries will stay in the TCP receive buffer to be processed later. Each of the queries processed will consume an mthread until processing is done. A response to a query is sent immediately when it becomes available; the response can be sent before other responses to queries that were received earlier by the Recursor. This is the Out-of-Order feature which greatly enhances performance, as a single slow query does not prevent other queries to be processed.

Before version 5.0.0, TCP queries are processed by either the distributer thread(s) if pdns-distributes-queries is true, or by worker threads if pdns-distributes-queries is false. Starting with version 5.0.0, Recursor has dedicated thread(s) processing TCP queries.

The maximum number of mthreads consumed by TCP queries is max-tcp-clients times max-concurrent-requests-per-tcp-connection. Before version 5.0.0, if pdns-distributes-queries is false, this number should be (much) lower than max-mthreads, to also allow UDP queries to be handled as these also consume mthreads. Note that max-mthreads is a per Posix thread setting. This means that the global maximum number of mthreads is (#distributor threads + #worker threads) * max-mthreads.

If you expect few clients, you can increase max-concurrent-requests-per-tcp-connection, to allow more concurrency per TCP connection. If you expect many clients and you have increased max-tcp-clients, reduce max-concurrent-requests-per-tcp-connection number to prevent mthread starvation or increase the maximum number of mthreads.

To increase the maximum number of concurrent queries consider increasing max-mthreads, but be aware that each active mthread consumes more than 200k of memory. To see the current number of mthreads in use consult the Metrics and Statistics concurrent-queries metric. If a query could not be handled due to mthread shortage, the over-capacity-drops metric is increased.

As an example, if you have typically 200 TCP clients, and the default maximum number of mthreads of 2048, a good number of concurrent requests per TCP connection would be 5. Assuming a worst case packet cache hit ratio, if all 200 TCP clients fill their connections with queries, about half (5 * 200) of the mthreads would be used by incoming TCP queries, leaving the other half for incoming UDP queries. Note that starting with version 5.0.0, TCP queries are processed by dedicated TCP thread(s), so the sharing of mthreads between UDP and TCP queries no longer applies.

The total number of incoming TCP connections is limited by max-tcp-clients. There is also a per client address limit: max-tcp-per-client to limit the impact of a single client. Consult the Metrics and Statistics tcp-clients metric for the current number of TCP connections and the tcp-client-overflow metric to see if client connection attempts were rejected because there were too many existing connections from a single address.

TCP Fast Open Support

On Linux systems, the recursor can use TCP Fast Open for passive (incoming, since 4.1) and active (outgoing, since 4.5) TCP connections. TCP Fast Open allows the initial SYN packet to carry data, saving one network round-trip. For details, consult RFC 7413.

On Linux systems, to enable TCP Fast Open, it might be needed to change the value of the net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen sysctl. Value 0 means Fast Open is disabled, 1 is only use Fast Open for active connections, 2 is only for passive connections and 3 is for both.

The operation of TCP Fast Open can be monitored by looking at these kernel metrics:

netstat -s | grep TCPFastOpen

Please note that if active (outgoing) TCP Fast Open attempts fail in particular ways, the Linux kernel stops using active TCP Fast Open for a while for all connections, even connection to servers that previously worked. This behaviour can be monitored by watching the TCPFastOpenBlackHole kernel metric and influenced by setting the net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_blackhole_timeout_sec sysctl. While developing active TCP Fast Open, it was needed to set net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_blackhole_timeout_sec to zero to circumvent the issue, since it was triggered regularly when connecting to authoritative nameservers that did not respond.

At the moment of writing, some Google operated nameservers (both recursive and authoritative) indicate Fast Open support in the TCP handshake, but do not accept the cookie they sent previously and send a new one for each connection. Google is working to fix this.

If you operate an anycast pool of machines, make them share the TCP Fast Open Key by setting the net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_key sysctl, otherwise you will create a similar issue some Google servers have.

To determine a good value for the tcp-fast-open setting, watch the TCPFastOpenListenOverflow metric. If this value increases often, the value might be too low for your traffic, but note that increasing it will use kernel resources.

Running with a local root zone

Running with a local root zone as described in RFC 8806 can help reduce traffic to the root servers and reduce response times for clients. Since 4.6.0 PowerDNS Recursor supports two ways of doing this.

Running a local Authoritative Server for the root zone

  • The first method is to have a local Authoritative Server that has a copy of the root zone and forward queries to it. Setting up an PowerDNS Authoritative Server to serve a copy of the root zone looks like:

    pdnsutil create-secondary-zone . ip1 ip2

    where ip1 and ip2 are servers willing to serve an AXFR for the root zone; RFC 8806 contains a list of candidates in appendix A. The Authoritative Server will periodically make sure its copy of the root zone is up-to-date. The next step is to configure a forward zone to the IP ip of the Authoritative Server in the settings file or the Recursor:


    The Recursor will use the Authoritative Server to ask questions about the root zone, but if it learns about delegations still follow those. Multiple Recursors can use this Authoritative Server.

  • The second method is to cache the root zone as described in Zone to Cache. Here each Recursor will download and fill its cache with the contents of the root zone. Depending on the timeout parameter, this will be done once or periodically. Refer to Zone to Cache for details.

Recursor Caches

The PowerDNS Recursor contains a number of caches, or information stores:

Nameserver speeds cache

The “NSSpeeds” cache contains the average latency to all remote authoritative servers.

Negative cache

The “Negcache” contains all domains known not to exist, or record types not to exist for a domain.

Recursor Cache

The Recursor Cache contains all DNS knowledge gathered over time. This is also known as the “record cache”.

Packet Cache

The Packet Cache contains previous answers sent to clients. If a question comes in that matches a previous answer, this is sent back directly.

The Packet Cache is consulted first, immediately after receiving a packet. This means that a high hitrate for the Packet Cache automatically lowers the cache hitrate of subsequent caches.

Measuring performance

The PowerDNS Recursor exposes many metrics that can be graphed and monitored.

Event Tracing

Event tracing is an experimental feature introduced in version 4.6.0 that allows following the internals of processing queries in more detail.

In certain spots in the resolving process event records are created that contain an identification of the event, a timestamp, potentially a value and an indication if this was the start or the end of an event. This is relevant for events that describe stages in the resolving process.

At this point in time event logs of queries can be exported using a protobuf log or they can be written to the log file.

Note that this is an experimental feature that will change in upcoming releases.

Currently, an event protobuf message has the following definition:

  enum EventType {
                                                // Range 0..99: Generic events
    CustomEvent = 0;                            // A custom event
    ReqRecv = 1;                                // A request was received
    PCacheCheck = 2;                            // A packet cache check was initiated or completed; value: bool cacheHit
    AnswerSent = 3;                             // An answer was sent to the client

                                                // Range 100: Recursor events
    SyncRes = 100;                              // Recursor Syncres main function has started or completed; value: int rcode
    LuaGetTag = 101;                            // Events below mark start or end of Lua hook calls; value: return value of hook
    LuaGetTagFFI = 102;
    LuaIPFilter = 103;
    LuaPreRPZ = 104;
    LuaPreResolve = 105;
    LuaPreOutQuery = 106;
    LuaPostResolve = 107;
    LuaNoData = 108;
    LuaNXDomain = 109;
message Event {
  required uint64 ts = 1;
  required EventType event = 2;
  required bool start = 3;
  optional bool boolVal = 4;
  optional int64 intVal = 5;
  optional string stringVal = 6;
  optional bytes bytesVal = 7;
  optional string custom = 8;
repeated Event trace = 23;

Event traces can be enabled by either setting event-trace-enabled or by using the rec_control subcommand set-event-trace-enabled.

An example of a trace (timestamps are relative in nanoseconds) as shown in the logfile:

- ReqRecv(70);
- PCacheCheck(411964);
- PCacheCheck(416783,0,done);
- SyncRes(441811);
- SyncRes(337233971,0,done);

The packet cache check event has two events. The first signals the start of packet cache lookup, and the second the completion of the packet cache lookup with result 0 (not found). The SynRec event also has two entries. The value (0) is the return value of the SyncRes function.

An example of a trace with a packet cache hit):

- ReqRecv(60);
- PCacheCheck(22913);
- PCacheCheck(113255,1,done);
- AnswerSent(117493)

Here it can be seen that packet cache returns 1 (found).

An example where various Lua related events can be seen:


There is no packet cache hit, so SyncRes is called which does a couple of outgoing queries.