The DNSQuestion (``dq``) object =============================== Apart from the :func:`ipfilter`-function, all functions work on a ``dq`` (DNSQuestion) object. This object contains details about the current state of the question. This state can be modified from the various hooks. The DNSQuestion object contains at least the following fields: .. class:: DNSQuestion An object that contains everything about the current query. This object has the following attributes: .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.addPaddingToResponse .. versionadded:: 4.5.0 Whether the response will get EDNS Padding. See :ref:`setting-edns-padding-from` and :ref:`setting-edns-padding-mode`. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.extendedErrorCode .. versionadded:: 4.5.0 The current extended error code, if any. See :ref:`setting-extended-resolution-errors`. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.extendedErrorExtra .. versionadded:: 4.5.0 The current extended error extra text, as a string, if any. See :ref:`setting-extended-resolution-errors`. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.qname :class:`DNSName` of the name this query is for. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.qtype Type this query is for as an integer, can be compared against ``pdns.A``, ``pdns.AAAA``. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.rcode current DNS Result Code, which can be overridden, including to several magical values. Before 4.4.0, the rcode can be set to ``pdns.DROP`` to drop the query, for later versions refer to :ref:`hook-semantics`. Other statuses are normal DNS return codes, like ``pdns.NOERROR``, ``pdns.NXDOMAIN`` etc. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.isTcp Whether the query was received over TCP. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.remoteaddr :class:`ComboAddress` of the requestor. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.localaddr :class:`ComboAddress` where this query was received on. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.variable Boolean which, if set, indicates the recursor should not packet cache this answer. Honored even when returning false from a hook! Important when providing answers that vary over time or based on sender details. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.followupFunction String that signals the nameserver to take one an additional action: - followCNAMERecords: When adding a CNAME to the answer, this tells the recursor to follow that CNAME. See :ref:`CNAME Chain Resolution ` - getFakeAAAARecords: Get a fake AAAA record, see :doc:`DNS64 <../dns64>` - getFakePTRRecords: Get a fake PTR record, see :doc:`DNS64 <../dns64>` - udpQueryResponse: Do a UDP query and call a handler, see :ref:`UDP Query Response ` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.followupName see :doc:`DNS64 <../dns64>` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.followupPrefix see :doc:`DNS64 <../dns64>` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy The decision that was made by the policy engine, see :ref:`modifyingpolicydecisions`. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyName A string with the name of the policy. Set by :ref:`policyName ` in the :func:`rpzFile` and :func:`rpzPrimary` configuration items. It is advised to overwrite this when modifying the :attr:`DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyKind` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyType The type of match for the policy. - ``pdns.policytypes.None`` the empty policy type - ``pdns.policytypes.QName`` a match on qname - ``pdns.policytypes.ClientIP`` a match on client IP - ``pdns.policytypes.ResponseIP`` a match on response IP - ``pdns.policytypes.NSDName`` a match on the name of a nameserver - ``pdns.policytypes.NSIP`` a match on the IP of a nameserver .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyCustom The CNAME content for the ``pdns.policyactions.Custom`` response, a string .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyKind The kind of policy response, there are several policy kinds: - ``pdns.policykinds.Custom`` will return a NoError, CNAME answer with the value specified in :attr:`DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyCustom` - ``pdns.policykinds.Drop`` will simply cause the query to be dropped - ``pdns.policykinds.NoAction`` will continue normal processing of the query - ``pdns.policykinds.NODATA`` will return a NoError response with no value in the answer section - ``pdns.policykinds.NXDOMAIN`` will return a response with a NXDomain rcode - ``pdns.policykinds.Truncate`` will return a NoError, no answer, truncated response over UDP. Normal processing will continue over TCP .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyTTL The TTL in seconds for the ``pdns.policyactions.Custom`` response .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyTrigger The trigger (left-hand) part of the RPZ rule that was matched .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.appliedPolicy.policyHit The value that was matched. This is a string representing a name or an address. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.wantsRPZ A boolean that indicates the use of the Policy Engine. Can be set to ``false`` in ``prerpz`` to disable RPZ for this query. .. attribute:: A Lua object reference that is persistent throughout the lifetime of the :class:`DNSQuestion` object for a single query. It can be used to store custom data. Most scripts initialise this to an empty table early on so they can store multiple items. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.requestorId .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 A string that will be used to set the ``requestorId`` field in :doc:`protobuf <../lua-config/protobuf>` messages. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.deviceId .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 A string that will be used to set the ``deviceId`` field in :doc:`protobuf <../lua-config/protobuf>` messages. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.deviceName .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 A string that will be used to set the ``deviceName`` field in :doc:`protobuf <../lua-config/protobuf>` messages. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.udpAnswer Answer to the :attr:`udpQuery ` when using the ``udpQueryResponse`` :attr:`followupFunction `. Only filled when the call-back function is invoked. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.udpQueryDest Destination IP address to send the UDP packet to when using the ``udpQueryResponse`` :attr:`followupFunction ` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.udpQuery The content of the UDP payload when using the ``udpQueryResponse`` :attr:`followupFunction ` .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.udpCallback The name of the callback function that is called when using the ``udpQueryResponse`` :attr:`followupFunction ` when an answer is received. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.validationState .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 The result of the DNSSEC validation, accessible from the ``postresolve``, ``nxdomain`` and ``nodata`` hooks. Possible states are ``pdns.validationstates.Indeterminate``, ``pdns.validationstates.Bogus``, ``pdns.validationstates.Insecure`` and ``pdns.validationstates.Secure``. The result will always be ``pdns.validationstates.Indeterminate`` if validation is disabled or was not requested. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.detailedValidationState .. versionadded:: 4.4.2 The result of the DNSSEC validation, accessible from the ``postresolve``, ``nxdomain`` and ``nodata`` hooks. By contrast with :attr:`validationState `, there are several Bogus states to be able to better understand the reason for a DNSSEC validation failure. Possible states are: - ``pdns.validationstates.Indeterminate`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusNoValidDNSKEY`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusInvalidDenial`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusUnableToGetDSs`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusUnableToGetDNSKEYs`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusSelfSignedDS`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusNoRRSIG`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusNoValidRRSIG`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusMissingNegativeIndication`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusSignatureNotYetValid`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusSignatureExpired`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusUnsupportedDNSKEYAlgo`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusUnsupportedDSDigestType`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusNoZoneKeyBitSet`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusRevokedDNSKEY`` - ``pdns.validationstates.BogusInvalidDNSKEYProtocol`` - ``pdns.validationstates.Insecure`` - ``pdns.validationstates.Secure`` The result will always be ``pdns.validationstates.Indeterminate`` is validation is disabled or was not requested. There is a convenience function named ``isValidationStateBogus`` that accepts such a state and return a boolean indicating whether this state is a Bogus one. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.logResponse .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Whether the response to this query will be exported to a remote protobuf logger, if one has been configured. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.tag The packet-cache tag set via :func:`gettag`, or 0 if it has not been set. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.queryTime .. versionadded:: 4.8.0 The time the query was received .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.queryTime.tv_sec The number of seconds since the Unix epoch. .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.queryTime.tv_usec The number of microseconds, to be added to the number of seconds in :attr:`DNSQuestion.queryTime.tv_sec` to get a high accuracy timestamp. It also supports the following methods: .. method:: DNSQuestion:addAnswer(type, content, [ttl, name]) Add an answer to the record of ``type`` with ``content``. :param int type: The type of record to add, can be ``pdns.AAAA`` etc. :param str content: The content of the record, will be parsed into wireformat based on the ``type`` :param int ttl: The TTL in seconds for this record, defaults to 3600 :param DNSName name: The name of this record, defaults to :attr:`DNSQuestion.qname` .. method:: DNSQuestion:addRecord(type, content, place, [ttl, name]) Add a record of ``type`` with ``content`` in section ``place``. :param int type: The type of record to add, can be ``pdns.AAAA`` etc. :param str content: The content of the record, will be parsed into wireformat based on the ``type`` :param int place: The section to place the record, see :attr:`` :param int ttl: The TTL in seconds for this record, defaults to 3600 :param DNSName name: The name of this record, defaults to :attr:`DNSQuestion.qname` .. method:: DNSQuestion:addPolicyTag(tag) Add policyTag ``tag`` to the list of policyTags. :param str tag: The tag to add .. method:: DNSQuestion:getPolicyTags() -> {str} Get the current policy tags as a table of strings. .. method:: DNSQuestion:setPolicyTags(tags) Set the policy tags to ``tags``, overwriting any existing policy tags. :param {str} tags: The policy tags .. method:: DNSQuestion:discardPolicy(policyname) Skip the filtering policy (for example RPZ) named ``policyname`` for this query. This is mostly useful in the ``prerpz`` hook. :param str policyname: The name of the policy to ignore. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getDH() -> DNSHeader Returns the :class:`DNSHeader` of the query or nil. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getProxyProtocolValues() -> {ProxyProtocolValue} .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Get the Proxy Protocol Type-Length Values if any, as a table of :class:`ProxyProtocolValue` objects. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getRecords() -> {DNSRecord} Get a table of DNS Records in this DNS Question (or answer by now). .. method:: DNSQuestion:setRecords(records) After your edits, update the answers of this question :param {DNSRecord} records: The records to put in the packet .. method:: DNSQuestion:getEDNSFlag(name) -> bool Returns true if the EDNS flag with ``name`` is set in the query. :param string name: Name of the flag. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getEDNSFlags() -> {str} Returns a list of strings with all the EDNS flag mnemonics in the query. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getEDNSOption(num) -> str Get the EDNS Option with number ``num`` as a bytestring. .. method:: DNSQuestion:getEDNSOptions() -> {str: str} Get a map of all EDNS Options .. method:: DNSQuestion:getEDNSSubnet() -> Netmask Returns the :class:`Netmask` specified in the EDNSSubnet option, or empty if there was none. DNSHeader Object ================ The DNS header as returned by :meth:`DNSQuestion:getDH()` represents a header of a DNS message. .. class:: DNSHeader represents a header of a DNS message. .. method:: DNSHeader:getRD() -> bool The value of the Recursion Desired bit. .. method:: DNSHeader:getAA() -> bool The value of the Authoritative Answer bit. .. method:: DNSHeader:getAD() -> bool The value of the Authenticated Data bit. .. method:: DNSHeader:getCD() -> bool The value of the Checking Disabled bit. .. method:: DNSHeader:getTC() -> bool The value of the Truncation bit. .. method:: DNSHeader:getRCODE() -> int The Response Code of the query .. method:: DNSHeader:getOPCODE() -> int The Operation Code of the query .. method:: DNSHeader:getID() -> int The ID of the query DNSRecord Object ================ See :doc:`DNSRecord `. The EDNSOptionView Class ======================== .. class:: EDNSOptionView An object that represents the values of a single EDNS option .. method:: EDNSOptionView:count() .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 The number of values for this EDNS option. .. method:: EDNSOptionView:getValues() .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Return a table of NULL-safe strings values for this EDNS option. .. attribute:: EDNSOptionView.size The size in bytes of the first value of this EDNS option. .. method:: EDNSOptionView:getContent() Returns a NULL-safe string object of the first value of this EDNS option. The ProxyProtocolValue Class ============================ .. class:: ProxyProtocolValue .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 An object that represents the value of a Proxy Protocol Type-Length Value .. method:: ProxyProtocolValue:getContent() -> str Returns a NULL-safe string object. .. method:: ProxyProtocolValue:getType() -> int Returns the type of this value.