Changelogs for 4.2.x ==================== .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.3 :released: September 2nd 2020 This release contains the fix for :doc:`PowerDNS Security Advisory 2020-05 <../security-advisories/powerdns-advisory-2020-05>` (CVE-2020-17482) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 9499 Raise an exception on invalid hex content in unknown records. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 9191 :tickets: 9181 mydns: add SOA to list() output .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.2 :released: 9th of April 2020 .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 9010 fix records ending up in wrong packet section (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 9003, 8736 cache: strictly enforce maximum size, and improve cleanup routine .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 9001 avoid IXFR-in corruption when deltas come in close together (please see the :ref:`ixfr-in-corruption-4.2.2` upgrade notes) .. change:: :tags: New Features :pullreq: 8786 api: add includerings option to statistics endpoint .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8612 fix out-of-bound access for zero length "serialized" string when using lmdbbackend. (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8602 bind backend: pthread_mutex_t should be inited and destroyed and not be copied .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.1 :released: 2nd of December 2019 This release fixes several bugs and makes a few features more robust or intuitive. It also contains a few performance improvements for API users. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8589 :tickets: 8572 LUA view: do not crash on empty IP list .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8576 API: Accept headers without spaces .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8570 :tickets: 8299 Avoid database state-related SERVFAILs after a LUA error .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Improvements, LMDB :pullreq: 8568 :tickets: 8134 Just before 4.2.0, some SQL-related fixes broke edit-zone and other features with the LMDB backend. This has been fixed now. (backport by Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Performance, Improvements :pullreq: 8457 API: reduce number of database connections (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8497 Clear the caches for the entire zone after a patch operation (was apex only). The default default-api-rectify setting was ignored in patchZone(), rectify only took place when the API-RECTIFY metadata was set to "1". (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8546 Register a few known RR types and remove an unknown one .. change:: :tags: New Features, Improvements :pullreq: 8549 Add SLAVE-RENOTIFY zone metadata support (Matti Hiljanen) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8507 :tickets: 8217 rfc2136, pdnsutil: somewhat improve duplicate record handling .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8548 bindbackend: use metadata for also-notifies as well (Matti Hiljanen) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8508 :tickets: 8218 pdnsutil increase-serial: under SOA-EDIT=INCEPTION-EPOCH, bump as if it is EPOCH .. change:: :tags: New Features, Improvements :pullreq: 8547 Add configurable timeout for inbound AXFR (Matti Hiljanen) .. change:: :tags: Performance, Improvements :pullreq: 8541 API: optionally do not return dnssec info in domain list (Chris Hofstaedtler) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8454 Basic validation of $GENERATE parameters .. change:: :tags: New Features, Improvements :pullreq: 8428 Add CentOS 8 as builder target .. change:: :tags: New Features, Improvements :pullreq: 8341 gmysql backend, add an option to send the SSL capability flag .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.0 :released: 30th of August 2019 Compared to the last release candidate, one more bug has been fixed. The LMDB backend is incomplete in this version. Slaving zones works, loading zones with pdnsutil works, but more fine-grained edits (using edit-zone, or the REST API) fail. We hope to fix this soon in a 4.2.x release. For an overview of features new since 4.1.x, please see `the 4.2.0 announcement blog post `__. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8229 bind getAllDomains: ignore per-zone exceptions .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.0-rc3 :released: 29th of July 2019 Thanks to an overwhelming amount of testing by our fabulous user community, this release candidate contains a ton of bug fixes (and a few improvements) compared to the previous one. We hope this has shaken out all of the important bugs, so that we can release 4.2.0 soon! This release, sadly, cripples the LMDB backend somewhat, due to `transaction-related fixes for the SQL backends `__. We hope to fix `this issue `__ before 4.2.0, or otherwise, early in 4.2.x. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8168 packethandler: Compare TSIG key name using DNSName .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8172, 8173 boost.m4 improvements .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8169 Make sure we always compile with BOOST_CB_ENABLE_DEBUG set to 0 .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8058 Fix SERVFAIL when backend returns empty DNSName .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8126 add metric for open TCP connections .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8149 stop using select() in places where FDs can be >1023 .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8166 pdnsutil increase-serial: set right ordername .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8097 use BIGINT for notified_serial in pg schema (Klaus Darilion) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Robustness, Performance :pullreq: 8092 Various robustness and performance improvements around domain IDs (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8056 Fix the accounting of servfail-queries in the distributor .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Build :pullreq: 8064 remove unused import to enable compile on illumos (Thomas Mieslinger) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Performance :pullreq: 8051 ixfrdist: limit XFR chunk size to 16k .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8028 limit compression pointers to 14 bits .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 8037 catch name & IP parse errors during outgoing notify preparations .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7998 Fix a memory leak when sqlite3_exec() fails .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Build :pullreq: 8019, 7980 don't enable the tbhandler when libc only pretends to be glibc (James Taylor) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 8006 Fix a leak on 'Backend reported permanent error which prevented lookup' error .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7996 Clear CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(data)) in cmsghdr to appease valgrind .. change:: :tags: New Features :pullreq: 7550 web: make max request/response body size configurable .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7918 deprecate SOA autocomplete in pdnsutil check-zone (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Packaging :pullreq: 7889 move /var/lib/pdns to pdns-server debian package .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7890 Show newer features in configure output and --version .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Performance :pullreq: 7910 completely disable the packet when cache-ttl=0 (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7943 Improve error when notification comes in for non-slave zone .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7962 web: add edited_serial to Zone object .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Build :pullreq: 7871 Adapt calidns for openbsd and other systems without rcvmmsg(2) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Performance :pullreq: 7699 DNSName, speed up toString() conversion .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.0-rc2 :released: 14th of June 2019 .. change:: :tags: Improvements, LMDB :pullreq: 7807 Make explicit lmdbbackend synchronous option .. change:: :tags: Improvements, LMDB :pullreq: 7700 Reduce mmap size for lmdb on 32 bits plus restrict number of shards .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, LMDB :pullreq: 7784, 7697, 7643 LMDB improvements: * lmdbbackend: auth was unset in get() (always true) (Kees Monshouwer) * LMDB defaulted to port 0 for master addresses unless explicitly set * fix ``getAllDomains()`` (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug fixes, Backends :pullreq: 7891 auth API, pdnsutil: improve backend transaction correctness .. change:: :tags: Robustness, Backends :pullreq: 7881 detect SOA cache pollution caused by broken backends (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Backends :pullreq: 7852 sqlite3: make journal mode configurable; default to WAL .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Backends :pullreq: 7854 auth gsql ``getAllDomains``: ignore stou errors .. change:: :tags: Performance, Backends :pullreq: 7460 speedup ``getUpdatedMasters()`` for the gsql backends (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Backends :pullreq: 7831, 7787 Rectify/ENT fixes: * Allow updates to override existing ENT records * Fix ENTs removal when "replacing" new records via the API .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Backends :pullreq: 7363 Cleanup SOA editing (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Backends :pullreq: 7753 pdns_control reopens geoip databases on reload (jpmens) .. change:: :tags: Backends :pullreq: 7696 b2b-migrate did not open a transaction, breaking it for lmdb .. change:: :tags: Backends :pullreq: 7706 No longer filter DNSSEC metadata when DNSSEC is enabled in gsql .. change:: :tags: Backends :pullreq: 7580 Rectify for ent records in narrow zones was slightly wrong. (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Backends :pullreq: 7529 Clear caches (meta-data, keys) on domain deletion .. change:: :tags: Performance, LUA :pullreq: 7869, 7897 optionally reuse Lua state .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Portability :pullreq: 7862, 7861, 7818, 7668 Portability/building improvements: * Update boost.m4 to the latest version * Check if ``-latomic`` is needed instead of hardcoding (neheb) * Use ``net-snmp-config --netsnmp-agent-libs`` instead of ``--agent-libs`` * bump boost requirement to 1.42 unconditionally .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Robustness :pullreq: 7864, 7865, 7708 Robustness improvements: * Fix warnings reported by Coverity * Initialize cURL before starting any thread * Don't do unaligned memory access .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Compliance :pullreq: 7873 Always truncate when the additional records do not fit in a response (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Compliance :pullreq: 7859 Remove ``disable-tcp`` option .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Compliance :pullreq: 7615 RKEY is missing algorithm field (DNS-Leo) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Compliance :pullreq: 7789, 7772 DNSSEC fixes: * Don't sign insecure records with keys from other zones (Kees Monshouwer) * always add DS for secure zones, broken since #7523 (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Compliance :pullreq: 7410 Ignore Path MTU Discovery on UDP server socket .. change:: :tags: Features, Tools :pullreq: 7832 add DoH support to sdig .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 7801 :tickets: 7667 pdnsutil: show DS for second and further keys too .. change:: :tags: Features, Tools :pullreq: 7655 dumresp: add TCP support .. change:: :tags: Deprecation, API :pullreq: 7797 API: mark ``set-ptr`` as deprecated (zeha) .. change:: :tags: Robustness :pullreq: 7790, 7569, 7662, 7503, 7517, 7587 Various robustness improvements: * Do not busy loop if we get lots of notifies. * Improve error reporting with garbage in the 'master' field of the database * Do not exit on exception resolving addresses to notify * Auth ringbuffer summaries were case sensitive & accounted delegations incorrectly * plug mysql_thread_init memory leak * Ensure we increase the number of queued queries before decreasing it .. change:: :tags: Performance, DNSSEC :pullreq: 7523 disable dnssec pre-processing for non dnssec zones and avoid a lot of ``isSecuredZone()`` calls (Kees Monshouwer) .. change:: :tags: Bug fixes :pullreq: 7723 rename 'supermaster' option to 'superslave' .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Webserver :pullreq: 5932 improve logging in the web server .. change:: :tags: Features, Tools :pullreq: 7481 pdnsutil, dnswasher: add support for encrypting IP addresses .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7584 GSQL: Log more data in error messages .. changelog:: :version: 4.2.0-rc1 :released: 19th of March 2019 .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7576 :tickets: 7573 Insufficient validation in the HTTP remote backend (CVE-2019-3871, PowerDNS Security Advisory :doc:`2019-03 <../security-advisories/powerdns-advisory-2019-03>`) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 7546 :tickets: 7545 Fix API search failed with "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now". .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, GeoIP :pullreq: 7219 Fix static lookup when using weighted records on multiple record types. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, DNSSEC :pullreq: 7516 Report ``checkKey`` errors upwards. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, MySQL :pullreq: 7496 :tickets: 7493 Fix invalid SOA record in MySQL which prevented the authoritative server from starting. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6872 ixfrdist: Add option to limit AXFR record count. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7326 :tickets: 5430 Add ``type`` filter to search-data api. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7502 Use a less expensive way to get memory stats for ``real-memory-usage``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7359 :tickets: 7357 Add ``rcode`` response statistics on API. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7490 :tickets: 7393 Lua records: Add ``useragent`` option to ``ifurlup`` and set a default. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Remote :pullreq: 7448 :tickets: 7444 remotebackend: Implement ``getUpdatedMasters``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7494 Correctly interpret an empty AXFR response to an IXFR query. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7492 :tickets: 6853 Lua: Expose ``dns_random`` as ``pdnsrandom``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7491 :tickets: 6451 Use commas instead of spaces when setting Zone Masters via the REST API. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 7488 :tickets: 6114 Improve handling of out of range ``modified_at`` value. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 7482 Fix output order of pdnsutil ``add-record``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7352 Respect packet size limits, even with ECS and TSIG. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7459 :tickets: 7429 Fix dot stripping in ``setcontent()``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7463 Improve RRset validation. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, MySQL :pullreq: 7475 Avoid infinite loop in mydnsbackend. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, LMDB :pullreq: 7472 :tickets: 7471 Do not compress the root since LMDB backend cannot set a root zone with a compressible SOA record. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, LMDB :pullreq: 7470 :tickets: 7453 Avoid duplicate NSEC3 records in presigned zones in LMDB backend. .. change:: :tags: New Features, LMDB :pullreq: 7453 Authoritative LMDB backend. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7412 Be smarter about trimming whitespace when creating records from ASCII. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 6634 More sandboxing using SystemD's features. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7353 Fix attempt to restrict / speed-up additional processing to auth zone. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 7148 sdig: Handle non-IN class records better. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, DNSSEC :pullreq: 7340 Error on DNSSEC default misconfiguration. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 7364 Dnsscope off-by-one + domain-filter. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Internals :pullreq: 7382 Fix ``dns_random()`` always returning 0 when the minimum acceptable value is 0. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Internals :pullreq: 7320 Lower ``udp-truncation-threshold`` by default to 1232. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7293 Make ``pdns_control notify *`` also notify slaves zones. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7348 Zero out QTYPE response numbers in our statistics. Makes Valgrind usable on auth again. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 7244 :tickets: 7319 pdns_notify: Support hostname for notification. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7345 Improve memory handling for NSEC(3) records with lots of types. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7341 Fix replying from ANY address for non-standard port. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7286 Fix a couple of Swagger / OpenAPI issues. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7288 Fix a few off-by-one errors. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, GeoIP :pullreq: 7227 :tickets: 7219 Forbid 0 as weight value. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Internals :pullreq: 7294 Prevent leak of file descriptor if running out of ports for incoming AXFR. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, DNSSEC :pullreq: 7284 Fallback to SHA1 for the signatures cache if MD5 is not available. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 7278 :tickets: 7277 Prevent more than one CNAME / SOA record in the same RRset. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 7245 Use a cache-able soa record for the serial check caused by a notify. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6894 Improved Lua records - Added all selector, and backupSelector fallbacks. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6823 :tickets: 6821 On incoming NOTIFY load our serial from backend to have it available during slave-check. Also log ourserial to ease debugging. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API, DNSSEC :pullreq: 5988 API: Add TSIG key manipulation endpoints. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7026 Configure ``--enable-pdns-option`` ``--with-third-party-module``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6731 :tickets: 6693 Address some known LUA Records issues: * Better check input lists, * Report lua wildcards errors, * Exposes ``DNSName::getRawLabels`` in lua env, * Better document LUA functions and objects. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 7233 Make API changes do a rectify by default, add an option to disable. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Improvements :pullreq: 6838 :tickets: 1355, 1366 Remove ``autoserial`` from the Authoritative Server. Serial 0 was a little bit too special in PowerDNS. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7228 Handle ANY queries with Lua records. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6869 Remove ``out-of-zone-additional-processing`` setting. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7217 geoip: properly delete libGeoIP return values. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7067 SOA-check: reject NXDOMAIN response and check label of RR against qname. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, DNSSEC :pullreq: 6958 Improve RSA key warnings. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7201 Fix ``carbon-instance`` / ``carbon-namespace`` inconsistencies. .. change:: :tags: :pullreq: 7196 :tickets: 7195 geoipbackend: Allow empty content for ENT record. .. change:: :tags: Tools, DNSSEC :pullreq: 7187 pdnsutil.1 & settings: * Add Ed25519 and Ed448, * Document ECC keysizes, * Remove old algos. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 6871 Check DNSNames that should be hostnames. .. change:: :tags: :pullreq: 6959 :tickets: 2362, 6951 Add namespace and instance variable to carbon key. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Packages :pullreq: 7134 Fix up the BIND config files on upgrade. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7024 geoipbackend: Handle read error for config file. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7069 Use unique pointers in the OpenSSL signer. .. change:: :tags: API, Removed Features :pullreq: 7025 Remove ``api-logfile`` flag and grep API endpoint. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6962 Store ``NetmaskTree`` nodes in a set for faster removal. .. change:: :tags: New Features :pullreq: 6969 Adds the glorious log-log histograms. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 7017 Make sure we escape ``127`` in TXT records. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 4598 Add support for NONE SOA-EDIT kind. .. change:: :tags: Tools :pullreq: 6997 Name threads in the programs. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6727 ALIAS: Respond SERVFAIL on non-NOERRORs from resolver. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6910 Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.1's ed25519 and ed448 for signing and verifying. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6822 Add incremental ``slave-check`` backoff also for failed AXFR. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6923 Respond correctly to DS query at delegation in unsigned zone. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6975 Enhance query-logging with timing for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6811 Apply ALIAS scopemask after chasing. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6948 Fix compilation with LibreSSL 2.7.0+. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6917 Release memory in case of error in the OpenSSL ECDSA constructor. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6913 :tickets: 6912 Actually truncate truncated responses. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Packages :pullreq: 6921 Remove GOST and Botan support. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 6668 Add zone lookup by ``/zones?``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6858 RFC2136 fixes. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6825 Add option ``send-signed-notify`` to send NOTIFYs without TSIG signature. .. change:: :tags: Removed Features, API :pullreq: 6845 Drop ``api-readonly`` configuration setting. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6857 Remove SOA-check backoff on incoming NOTIFY and fix ``d_lock`` handling. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6859 Make ``edit-zone`` catch zoneparser exceptions as well. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6843 ``check-all-zones``: find duplicate zones and SOAs. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6834 ``check-zone``: allow null MX, SRV. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6844 Workaround MariaDB pretending to be MySQL. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6824 Add the serials when logging the final result of a slave check. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 6780, 6816 Make sure that we use strict weak records ordering in the API. (Doing this avoids concurrent records / comments iteration from running out of sync.) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6738 Reset the TSIG state between queries. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6774 calidns: Accurate qps targets. .. change:: :tags: :pullreq: 6769 LuaWrapper: Disable maybe uninitialized warnings with boost optional. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6495 Only parse ``resolv.conf`` once - this avoids race conditions. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6730 Implement a smarter dedup for filling packets in auth. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6691 pdns_control notify: Handle slave w/o renotify properly. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6653 pdnsutil: Occlusion and auth check improvements. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6655 Sign CDS/CDNSKEY RRsets with the KSK. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6658 luawrapper: Report caught ``std::exception`` as ``lua_error``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6686 Initialize some missed qtypes: WKS, SMIMEA. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6677 geoipbackend: Check ``GeoIP_id_by_addr_gl`` and ``GeoIP_id_by_addr_v6_gl`` return value. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6499 stubresolver: Improve locking. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6633 Reject duplicate RRsets in patchZone. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 6647 Remove ENTs when "replacing" new records. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6648 gmysql: Use future-proof statement for transaction isolation. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 6649 API export function output change to add IN to the output. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 6662 :tickets: 6652 Send correct response codes for the CryptoKey endpoints. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6659 Ensure ALIAS answers over TCP have correct name. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6617 calidns: Don't issue socket buffer or SCHED_FIFO warnings in quiet mode. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 6614 Restrict creation of OPT and TSIG rrsets. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6561 Fix some minor issues for presigned (large) bind zones. .. change:: :tags: Tools :pullreq: 6582 dnsreplay: Add more checks against bogus PCAP. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Improvements :pullreq: 6585 :tickets: 6584 Geoip: Fix poisoning of cache when hit service's default network. Also includes an optimization to make lookups faster. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6594 pdnsutil: also load modules through the ``load-modules`` directive. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6601 calidns: Add ``quiet``, ``minimum-success-rate`` options to use from a script. .. change:: :tags: New Features, Tools :pullreq: 6564 Add ``dnspcap2calidns`` to convert PCAP to the calidns format. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6580 dnsreplay: Bail out on a too small outgoing buffer. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6559 pdnsutil: Use new domain in ``b2bmigrate``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, API :pullreq: 6571 Increase serial after DNSSEC related updates. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6558 bindbackend: Refuse launch suffixes. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6526 calidns: Add an option to read ECS values from the query file, skip comments. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6531 Avoid interleaved access to B (via ``d_dk``). Before this patch, the meta lookup would interfere with the already-started ``B.lookup``. This caused failures with odbc/MSSQL. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6530 Add missing overrides. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6525 calidns: Add a ``maximum-qps`` option to stay at a given stable load. .. change:: :tags: New Features :pullreq: 6171 LUA Records (yes we know it is "Lua"). .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6481 Add return 0 for correct exit of ``set-kind`` and ``set-account``. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6487 Link ``dnspcap2protobuf`` against librt when needed. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6484 Recheck serial when AXFR is done. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 5274 dns_random: Implement new dns_random. .. change:: :tags: New Features :pullreq: 5821 :tickets: 5260 LDAP misc updates: * ALIAS support, * DNAME support. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6427 Avoid an isane amount of new backend connections during an AXFR. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 6358 Remove ``theLog`` and ``theL`` and replace this with a global ``g_log``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6331 Add TCP support for ALIAS. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6377 Add support for MB and MG RR types. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6102 Add actual EDNS buffer size logging, not just our interpretation. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 6312 Lower 'packet too short' loglevel. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6396 Report unparseable data in stoul ``invalid_argument`` exception. .. change:: :tags: New Features, Tools :pullreq: 6374 Add quiet modifier to pdnsutil ``rectify-all-zones`` command. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6370 Fix handling of user defined AXFR filters return values. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6342 :tickets: 6263 Reload ``/etc/resolv.conf`` when modified. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6354 Rather than crash, sheepishly report no file/linenum in pdnsutil. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6326 calidns: Add the ``--ecs`` parameter to add random ECS values to queries. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6157 Lua2 backend: This is a rewrite of the lua backend. It uses AuthLua4 as basis and more strongly typed access using LuaContext. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 5361 :tickets: 3602 Make requests always return to sender, for usage in multimaster slave zones. Also - made sure that the master that is questioned for updates will be selected randomly, to prevent repeatedly asking a dead master for updates. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 6325 Return status ``409`` if domain already exists. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6276 Reject updates if they would lead to CNAME+Other data. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6243 Fix rectify (ordername) for non-DNSSEC zones. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6278 pkcs11signers: Fix yubikey NEO to work. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6297 Make ``check-zone`` error on rows that have content but shouldn't. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6100 Make ``outgoing-query-address`` and ``outgoing-query-address6`` behaviours equivalent. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6128 :tickets: 5268 GeoIPbackend improvements: * Adds MMDB support. Now geoip backend can be compiled without geoip support, * Adds location support, * Fixes SERVFAIL if expansion is empty. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6295 Fix syntax error for ``replace-rrset``. (@lordievader) .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 2603 Expose ``ResponseStats`` via REST API. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 6230 Remove all traces of selectmplexer, fix up pollmplexer. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, Tools :pullreq: 6172 IXFR: correct behavior of dealing with DNS Name with multiple records; speed up IXFR transaction. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6152 bindbackend: handle ``std::exception`` during startup zone-parsing. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6166 Add an ``--initial-port`` option to dnsreplay. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6220 :tickets: 5079, 5594, 5654 Add XPF support to sdig, PowerDNS Recursor and dnsdist. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 5068 :tickets: 1010 Change from ``time_t`` to ``uint32_t`` for serial in ``calculateSOASerial``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 5960 Check more thoroughly the source of UDP answers. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6162 Slave cleanups. (@zeha) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6019 :tickets: 5915 gmysql-backend: set unsigned attribute on ``notified_serial`` column. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6158 :tickets: 2611 pdns: Improve record parsing .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6018 Escaping unusual DNS label octets in DNSName is off by one. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 5979 Use ``toLogString()`` for logging and throwing. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Internals :pullreq: 6156 Remove obsolete EDNS PING code. (@zeha) .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6155 Update EDNS Option code list. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6146 Changes to compile and run on NetBSD. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 4547 Remove ``serializeSOAData``, refactor ``calculate``/``edit``/``increaseSOA``. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, Tools :pullreq: 6063 Add colour to diff output of pdnsutil. .. change:: :tags: :pullreq: 6124 :tickets: 6101, 6120 Improve tests and two bugfixes: * Fix xfrIP to reject invalid ips, * Accept seconds since epoch in RRSIG timestamps too. (@stbuehler) .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6139 Forbid creating algo 5/8/10 keys with out-of-spec sizes. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6132 Add methods missing from AuthLua4 when Lua support is disabled. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6129 Init openssl and libsodium before chrooting in pdnsutil. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes, LDAP :pullreq: 6122 Fix listing zones incl. AXFR. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6107 Fix uninitialized index in Lua's DNSPacket::getRRS() binding. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6103 :tickets: 6089 Fix out of bounds exception in CAA processing. .. change:: :tags: Improvements, API :pullreq: 6076 Return ``404`` for non-existing zones. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 5862 :tickets: 5854 Add Draft of Swagger spec for Authoritative Server HTTP API. .. change:: :tags: Bug Fixes :pullreq: 6029 :tickets: 6028 Forbid label compression in ALIAS wire format. .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 7359 :tickets: 7357 API: Add response-by-qtype and response-by-rcode on /statistics endpoint .. change:: :tags: Improvements :pullreq: 6021 Several improvements to processing of notifies. * Turn off supermaster support by default (adds new setting). * PowerDNS was wasting a lot of queries while processing notifies. * Use comboaddress for IPs (was strings)